
Exposure to Product Management


Over the course of this six-week programme, students will be offered the opportunity to pick up fundamental skills in product management - including user interviews, prototyping, product metrics and crafting Product Requirements Documents (PRDs). This will culminate in an Internal Product Competition at the end of the programme, where students will work in groups to ideate new solutions to address the challenges faced by existing products today in our ever-changing business landscape.

Our Programme Iterations

With the success of our flagship programme, we were fortunate to be able to successfully carry out multiple iterations of PM1101E. Check out the respective pages below for more!

AY2023/24 Semester 1

With our first run of PM1101E: Exposure to Product Management held at ShopBack Campus, our students were given the opportunity to explore both existing products as well as ideating new ones to solve real-world problems in our ever-changing business landscape.

AY2023/24 Semester 2

Continuing the momentum from our first run, our second iteration features an exclusive collaboration with SMU Product Club, as well as the long-awaited Internal Product Competition held at Carousell Campus, as our students focus on improving existing products.